prljav idk

no js=skill issue

this site is long overdue for a rewrite, i will do it soon™


i know (in no particular order) py, c++, html, js,

site has been stolen from slonk

i also play video games. my all-time favorites are, in no specific order after the third, gta sa, gta 5,
team fortress 2, minecraft

i am fluent in english and croatian (native), the other balkan languages (serbian, bosnian etc.)

contact info
email prljav [AT] prljav [DOT] cc
pgp key see identity.html
discord prljav
steam /id/prljav


slonk linux now! (2.5) Powered by debian made with neovim eliminate drm now! defective by design tested on firefox uBlock Origin NOW! LineageOS support wikipedia, cool site webmaster is fine with me hotlinking